September 26, 2008

The Many Travels of Kim

So, the other day a dirty rumor was spread that I was in the Czech Republic (Sorry Sharon ;)). Anyways, I have not left the country yet. I thought I would update you on my planned travels. At the end of October we have two days off for the Day of the Republic to commemorate the 1956 Revolution. Three other girls and I will be headed to Dubrovnik, Croatia for the weekend. I am really looking forward to seeing more of Eastern Europe. For Thanksgiving, we are hoping to visit Krakow, Poland. My roomies and I really want to go there and we hope to visit Auschwitz when we are there. Obviously a lot of this is dependent on saving money and finding a cheap place to stay! Thankfully the cost of travel is very minimal. The one other trip I have planned right now is Ireland in February. One of my friends from AH is traveling there and I am going to meet here there and spend a few days! I promise to post pictures of my various adventures!


University of Iowa Meg said...

Ireland! I am so jealous. Have an awesome time. It sounds like you're doing great work out there.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to Croatia, I would highly recommend Split. Beautiful area and the islands around there are amazing!