November 30, 2008

Two Questions

There are two questions I get asked by almost every Hungarian I meet. The first is why Hungary? They always seem to be astounded by the fact that I chose to come to Budapest out of all the places I could have gone. It has turned out to be a great opportunity to share how the Lord called me to be here. The second question I frequently get asked is How do I like Budapest and why do I like Budapest? This one always makes me laugh. People are genuinely perplexed about my liking this city and its people. So, I thought I would share why I like it here so much. First and foremost is the people. While Hungary has a sad history, I find the people to be happy and kind. They have been above and beyond understanding with my serious lack of Hungarian speaking skills. I have often found people who try to help me learn the correct phrases and pronunciation. I also love the way Hungarians speak their language. They are very lively and animated in their language. Finally, they are open to the gospel. Last week we did an outreach on a college campus in Budapest. We shared with them about American Thanksgiving and all the Lord has given us to be thankful for. It was such a blessing to watch them try American food, practice their English and ask questions about the Lord. They took no offenses at our open sharing about the Lord and they asked thoughtful, challenging questions. It was an experience that continued to solidify my love and appreciation for this beautiful city and its people.

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