March 22, 2011

Funny cultural moments...

So I have been at a blogging blank lately (as you can probably tell).  Then I went to IKEA.  It seems that trips to the store can often create great blog stories.  Most of you may not know a lot about the language spoken in Hungary.  It is Hungarian (you would be surprised how often I get asked that question).  Here is a blurb about Hungarian according to British diplomats:

"The British Foreign Office has looked at the languages that diplomats and other embassy staff have to learn and has worked out which they find the most difficult to learn. The second hardest is Japanese, which probably comes as no surprise to many, but the language that they have found to be the most difficult to learn is Hungarian, which has 35 cases (forms of a nouns according to whether it is subject, object, genitive, etc). This does not mean that Hungarian is the hardest language to learn for everybody, but it causes British diplomatic staff, who are used to learning languages, the most difficulty."

Yeah, so in is really hard.  I have lived in Hungary now for 2.5 years and I still know very little.  For me, it is very intimidating to speak even the words I do know because I struggle with pronunciation.  Every rare once and a while though, I give it a go.  Back to IKEA.  My roommate and I went to get some things and as is our usual tradition I went to get us some ice cream cones while she waited in line.  If you haven't visited your local IKEA lately, I highly recommend the ice cream.  In Hungary a small cone is only 100 forint (50 cents) and very tasty.  Anyways, I walked up to the counter and said "Kerek sepen kettÅ‘ fagyalt," which loosely translates to "two ice creams please."  I have attempted this phrase at IKEA before and I tend to up with two hot dogs.  But on this particular occasion the kind guy behind the counter gave me two cones and then said...wait for it...."You are doing great on your Hungarian."  That's right folks!  I can successfully order ice cream.  I am doing great on my Hungarian!