September 30, 2009

Animals in the Rubbish Bin

So, this is a delayed post, but it is too entertaining to not write down.  A few weeks ago my roommates and I were at home when our landlord called to tell us there were "animals in our rubbish bin."  Here is how the conversation went between my roommate and our landlord (the "me" is Emily, and Kati is my landlord):

Me: Hi Kati, how are you?

Kati: I am fine, but Emily, there are animals in your rubbish box.

Me: What animals? What is a rubbish box?

Kati: Your rubbish box that you put your rubbish in.

Me: You mean our trash can?

Kati: Yes, there are animals in your rubbish box.

Me: What animals?

Kati: I do not know their names.

Me: Ok. What should we do?

Kati: Fill your rubbish box with water. And Domestos. (aka. Draino)

Me: Uhhhh.....

Kati: Then wash it out. Make sure you do it right away. It is very hot. You do not want the animals in your rubbish box.

Me: Ok, Kati, we'll take care of it. Have a great night.

We decided to all go outside together to check for "animals."  Turns out that our trash can was filled with maggots.  GROSS.  We had a pretty funny time filling the bin with water, domestos and I added some other cleaners for good measure.  My favorite part of the evening is when we couldn't move it because it was so heavy, so Hannah and I had to push it over into the grass.  It was quite dramatic and altogether hilarious!  Here are some pics of the eventful night:

Getting ready to push her over...the box was our protective shiel...

Ahhhh....please don't dump the maggots on me

What is that...ewww.....

The aftermath...we may or may not have left that all there for a day or two...

September 17, 2009


I'm back!  I have so much to share, but not enough time to write it all down right now, so I will try and share a few things over the next week.  First, I want to highlight my evening last night.  As many of you already know, I am supervising the student council this year.  The new president, Beth, was recently sharing with me her heart to be a group of leaders that is defined by prayer.  One of the ways she envisioned this was through prayer meetings outside of school and our regular meeting time.  Last night we gathered at one of the students houses for an evening of prayer and singing.  What a refreshing time!  As a young adult, I was so encouraged to see teenagers earnestly seek the Lord in how to best serve their school and fellow students in the coming year.  I was truly blessed as we lifted our voices in unison to praise our great God!  The parent whose house we met at, approached me this morning and also shared what a blessing it was to him as he sat upstairs and listened.  Please be praying for the student leaders at ICSB this year as they seek to grow in the Lord and lead their student body.